Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ringworm Bottom Pictures I Have Ringworm... All Over Myself... How Did I Get This?

I have ringworm... all over myself... how did I get this? - ringworm bottom pictures

I went to the doctor, and it is ringworm. I have 6 seats in the back, 5 on the abdomen and chest, and a few other points in the neck and the lower part of my scalp.
I never had that! I feel like a dirty ass .... I mean, what do I do about me?
(No pets, no children, I am a pure person, and my friend, live for, do not.)


heathrjo... said...

I had ringworm before two years, at the same time of year that you. This does not mean you're dirty. Sheesh. I gave my dog.

I have done much research on ringworm, and what I've learned, is actually very easy to collect. I am that all of us have no more surprises often.

I had him in the thigh of the celebration my dog on her lap while wearing shorts. But the thing is that you can get everywhere. They are doing more in areas of the body, where sweat a lot, because he loves the heat and humidity and there is less air circulation.

How has spread to other areas of the body has spread? Easy. They scratch the first area infected, icky things under his fingernails and then touching another part of your body. Or tClick here to get your clothes or bedding, etc. Yes, I suggest washing and aspiration of the house and grounds as well. Do you think that the department, lol. When I fall to finish ... my arms, neck, torso, legs. I made sure to throw in the wearing of long sleeves, a turtleneck sweater and trousers when he went.

The doctor gave me a lotion to use and easy to reach. The funny thing is that I never found my puppy you have ringworm Vet cultures and for a month I think, on hold. Who knows? It could be the Wal-Mart will be resumed and you can too.

My vet told me a story about how to get rid of ringworm in cattle ... I said repeatedly rub. I was dying so bad that I decided to try the method of Veterinary lol. I brush and began to wash each time took a bath tub. It worked very well, itchi. It all seemed dry, scaly skin, the relief you have. He also put lotion easily. My doctor said it was rubbing, but the worst thing he could do, but I have an explanation why. I only know that I felt tons better, and followed so that the whole time.

It's terrible, I know, but that does not mean that it is a dirty person. This means that you come into contact with something nasty at a time when they are likely to pick it up. Very soon a memory.

katjha20... said...

I like going to a dermatologist .. If some people can get their first of eczema as a ring worm .. diagnosed I will guess it would be difficult to get sore in many areas, and I do not know how you feel. There was once an athlete on the chin, when I was a child, was outside cats. Our cat was always on the tail ... and she jumps into my lab, and rubbed his dick on my face and I am a worm ring .. Person in the house has a .. but ... I do not see that many areas and do not know how you get it ... I would definitely see a dermatologist and see if it Eczema

Pauline P said...

The source below talks about the lichens and can contribute to the answer to your question. ...

GARY F said...

You have been impure thoughts and pox to you!

ebony_31... said...

Ringworm is very contagious. Ringworm is an infection in domestic animals, especially farm animals, dogs and cats. Humans can contract ringworm from these animals, the people in close contact with them. Chicken can also be a source, because of the dirt, in which poultry live and thrive well in this moth must. Ringworm can be caught from other people, both through direct and prolonged contact with flakes of dead skin (from sharing clothes or from house dust, for example).

To catch ringworm, you must be exposed and must be sensitive. Some people are more sensitive than others. People with eczema or other skin problems more easily acquire, because the protective barrier of the outer skin layer less intact. Children are more susceptible before puberty. Some people are genetically predisposed, and can easily get a life

KNO someone must have, and perhaps made with kno ...

Natural Healer said...

HELLO Santiago

Here are some ideas to solve the problem.

Ringworm is often due to poor hygiene and / or tight clothes cause excessive sweating closed in the affected area. For the treatment and prevention of ringworm, a bath or shower at least once a day, and change socks and underwear daily. If you shower in public places, as in the gym, wear shower sandals contact of fungus with the feet and toes to avoid.

Ringworm can also be a condition of secondary candidiasis. A parasite and colon cleansing is necessary for a healthy long term.

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Natural Remedies

Aromatherapy: The topical application of rosemary, tea tree, lavender, geranium, mint, and sell orThyme can be useful.

Diet: Avoid sugar, alcohol, processed foods and foods you are allergic or sensitive to the screen (for the food allergies). Also avoid wheat and dairy products and eat lots of organic, fresh vegetables and garlic and onions, which act as natural antibiotics. So, drink plenty of pure filtered water throughout the day.

Herbs: To speed up the healing process, a paste of equal parts of myrrh powder and goldenseal powder mixed with a little water.

Homeopathy: the practical means include Sepia, Arsen alb. And graphite.

Food supplements: nutrients, which are recommended are: garlic capsules and probiotics such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacteria, vitamin A, vitamin BcomplexB complex, vitamin C with bioflavonoids, vitamin E, bee pollen, oil of evening primrose extract of citrus fruits (both orally and applied topically) and colloidal silver (topical).

News: tape or a bandage, a thin slice of garlic directly onto the affected area for several days.

Alternative professionals
If the symptoms should persist despite the above measures, seek the help of a trained health professional. Members of the following therapies have proven to be useful for the treatment of ringworm: detoxification therapy, magnetic therapy, natural therapies, oxygen therapy (ozonated olive oil applied topically) and traditional Chinese medicine.

The best of health for you

Jess said...

Did you go to the general practitioner or diagnosis of skin?
When I had my first break with eczema, I went to a GP and said I had a kind Fung gave me some cream, it has not disappeared, but if I do not use more, you n 'return. A year later I started losing my hair. I went to a derm, and I found the alopecia, rash and excema.Twi different types of autoimmune diseases.
Just something to consider.
Here is a link to ringworm

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