Sunday, February 7, 2010

Vancouver Island Map Does Vancouver I Means Vancouver Island In The Map Of Canada?

Does Vancouver I means Vancouver Island in the map of Canada? - vancouver island map

See the link ... the lower left corner. I am a foreigner have to continue my studies in Germany. I knew nothing about Canada. So please help me. Thank you.


frozen said...

Your link will not load, but if you look at Google WAP, you can see Vancouver, Iceland and Vancouver are close together. The indication of Canadians, "Vancouver" means a rule the city.

freeside... said...

Vancouver Iceland is the largest island off the southern coast of British Columbia. ) On this island (the South is the largest city on the island with "Victoria", which is also the capital of the province of British Columbia.
City of Vancouver is a city at the mouth of the Fraser River on the mainland is not on Vancouver Iceland.

knh959 said...

Vancouver Iceland (by British explorer Captain George Vancouver named) and should not be confused with one of the cities of Vancouver, British Columbia, Vancouver, Oregon, USA) is the largest island in the Pacific coast of Americas (North or South. It is reached by ferry (about 95 minutes from the mainland) or plane. The island is about 400 km long and the widest point of about 100 km wide. The population is around 700,000. Grand Victoria in the south of the island (also the capital of the province of British Columbia) is the largest city of the island with a population of about 375,000 people. The primary industries are forestry, fisheries, tourism and government, although forestry and fisheries are suffering in those days. The University of Victoria has an annual capacity of approximately 10,000 students registering. In addition, Malaspina University in Nanaimo (about 100 km north of Victoria), recently conducted a curriculum conferring degrees.

I hope this helps.

amazon17... said...

Yes, I mean the map Vancouver, Vancouver, Iceland. Iceland has shortened because of the name went on the mainland and be confusing for some people. Your card may be full size by clicking the icon in the lower right corner, if the cursor advanced on the map.

John W said...

West Coast Yes, it's Iceland in Vancouver, British Columbia, the capital of Victoria is located at the southern tip of the island. The city of Vancouver is on the mainland of AC is, but because of the similarity of the names of Vancouver and Vancouver Iceland have always confused.

karmagur... said...

Their connection is very vague - but it needs to be on Vancouver Iceland. This Vancouver, the city on the mainland and Vancouver Iceland on the line.

xgh13x said...

Yes, that means Vancouver Iceland. This is a beautiful island. Victoria is very beautiful. Banff and Vancouver, in my opinion, two of the best places in Canada.

bob shark said...

On the map
Vancouver, I refer to the great island continent.
The name "Vancouver I" tap this large island.

And it's a nice place to visit, especially the west coast.

cartejac... said...

Yes, this plan of Vancouver Vancouver Iceland is I.

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