Saturday, January 2, 2010

Fatty Liver Disease Symptoms More Condition_symptoms Treatment For Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?

Treatment for Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease? - fatty liver disease symptoms more condition_symptoms

I am a man aged 52 years, presented with swollen feet, swelling of the abdomen and abdominal pain last week. After blood tests for liver function was noted that, although the production of normal protein, not the reading of the enzyme. The ultrasound revealed a fatty liver. I was surprised to hear a documentary on BBC Radio 4, said that 20% of people live with my complaints are not more than a few months.

I stopped to drink and I take milk thistle and lecithin, and radically changed my diet, fat, sugar and carbohydrates, including at night and have been eating plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Despite these rules applied for more than two weeks, the pain remains, belly swollen and I have not lost weight.

Any advice would be very grateful. Thank you in advance for your time and knowledge.

1 comment:

Baa Baa said...

Ann has a lot of good advice. I do not think that the radio because it is simply not true. Had liver cirrhosis and needed a transplant, but my condition was an autoimmune problem. What causes cirrhosis, enough to affect the same for everyone.

It must continue treatment for his problems with liver and discover what is really happening to him. You need more than a simple blood sample. I do not know how much fluid is retained, but that's what I was taken to hospital, where he eventually diagnosed with liver cirrhosis for the first time. The next step is a scan to see if your liver is increased or decreased and the size of the spleen. Depending on what shows up there, a biopsy, the next thing is the ultimate test that will tell you exactly what happens.

The fluid in the abdominal cavity is likely to cause pain and should be treated in one way or another. There are 2 ways to do this and they have me. My fluid was so terrible that I could hardly breathe, so I had to physically be used for drainage. Then they gave me drugs (diuretics such as spironolactone and furosemide try) to keep him under control. After treatment, the drugs were able to check until I get a transplant. Fluid may be very unhappy if it is found throughout the interior, and must be eliminated. We actually were able to keep gaining weight, if not treated, regardless of eating what you do.

Stop the consumption of alcohol is the most important step you can have with this disease. Get a hepatologist or gastroenterologist for treatment, because they know a lot more regularly than CFP problems that occur with liver disease. I was amazed at how little some doctors regularly surprised by liver problems.

You are on the right track with what you do, but must now go further and we get more information about your disease and do not receive adequate treatment. Otherwise, you will probably be pretty miserable. Good luck to you and help you as soon as possible to distribute and that you do not seem to go away on its own meaning,that continue to mount. They also risk that the fluid infection, and you never want that to happen, because it is potentially fatal.

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