Friday, January 22, 2010

Upper Buttock Pain Sharp Pain In Upper Buttocks?

Sharp Pain in Upper Buttocks? - upper buttock pain

I got up a lot of pain in the buttocks, medium crack (), just behind my "tail bone". I never had that before, but in recent weeks, has gotten worse and now it's painful sometimes when I lie. I had no injuries recently, but the "break" three years ago, the coccyx. Ideas?

1 comment:

Beverly B said...

Maybe you have a pain in the sciatic nerve. It may feel a sharp pain in the ass (in general) one or other side can not or radiating leg. It can be painful, Sitting, Laying, standing or walking. It is rather unfortunate. Perhaps because of his previous injuries. Mine just appeared one day, lasted about a week, then leave them alone. My doctor said she could work on different shoes and wear a lot on foot.

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