Sunday, January 31, 2010

Different Risk Mission Cards RiSK Board Game Mission Rules Unclear, Need Help?

RiSK board game mission rules unclear, need help? - different risk mission cards


Recently, I took the risk board game, because my friend and I like it. Well, it's about what it was different. For example. His mission did have cards in which each player must and an end.

My version is like all 4 cards, which have done. Some are easy, and some are difficult. But it might be for the people just scores. Examples: "Kill 15 pieces", "profit of 15 reinforcements" from the underground to receive 4 hole cards are in categories, and in general, then take a few broad categories difficult to

So my question. On some maps it says in the card to open the tower, insert the tip of the "card.

Who knows, if you have to do these missions in the full rotation, or not during the game. Otherwise, s which in turn some of them are not done, but if the game is over, some are really very simple.

1 comment:

goo said...

The "Secret Mission Risk" variant, which was the standard of play in the European edition of several decades [2], gives each player four specific missions behind the complete domination of the world. Tasks include various tasks such as conquering two specific continents, eg Asia and South America, removing a particular player, for example, to capture all the blue troops captured the twenty regions, 18 zones, but now at least 2 troops in each. Players do not disclose what tasks each other until the end of the game that the first player to achieve the status of their secret missions mission shows his cards and wins the game.

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