Monday, December 7, 2009

Initiation Wedding Card Friend Joining A Church Just To Use It For A Wedding?

Friend joining a church just to use it for a wedding? - initiation wedding card

I am a Catholic and my church will not marry non-members. My friend (and not really a friend. She is an associate of a friend, believe) that my church "soooooo good," he called to ask how the community of the Church was rent and said he did not. Then I said one evening, while we are all after the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) in October, so that they can become a member and get married there in 2011.
I think something more than that? The people take to the church to marry them because they are beautiful?
I asked if he was interested in the belief, and she said no. It was not religious, but she and her friend, said he only pretending to get married in this church.
Should I remain silent, or I want my business with my father, when and if she decides to give to express?


ilovewed... said...

Hello. It is a difficult situation, but I agree with Michelle G. .. I leave you alone. I'm Catholic, so it really burns me that someone extreme measure to the opposition a "snapshot", but I am what people on the day of his "special do would be surprised! Wow ... you have the nerve ! But even here there is nothing you can do about it.

If she is willing to go through all kinds of RICA, the more power to her.

DigitalD... said...

Personally, I feel like a hypocrite to get married in a church, as my friend and I are not religious. However, I do not believe rumors about a friend of a priest. But, whatever, you, you never know what will happen. May start to change their minds and decide to go to church. And although they do not, do you really want to be this woman who said that because I do not think that a Catholic was not enough to get married in your church?

Maggie said...

I personally am not religious, but I think what your friend / colleague is actually an insult to the members of the church. I think he should realize how very, very bad, it's done. You can find a more "friendly" members of the church, allowing ceremonies to take place, it is not an ignorant b * tch.

Rettie said...

Butt out. This is not really your business.
It could even be a good thing, they have to learn a lot about the Bible, to become members, so that even begin to develop a faith in God. It was mess up in any case, if you Tattle-prayer shawl on her.

Rettie said...

Butt out. This is not really your business.
It could even be a good thing, they have to learn a lot about the Bible, to become members, so that even begin to develop a faith in God. It was mess up in any case, if you Tattle-prayer shawl on her.

Rettie said...

Butt out. This is not really your business.
It could even be a good thing, they have to learn a lot about the Bible, to become members, so that even begin to develop a faith in God. It was mess up in any case, if you Tattle-prayer shawl on her.

ssharp52... said...

Leave me alone. You'll find it will visit many classes and services. Then you decide not lazy and worthwhile. If not, it is between her and God.

Ani said...

I do not know how they could express their concerns, I think, in every being (I think about how the priest would be) can not know what is in your heart, and if not real, that the Commission itself, the display and can may the wrath of God.

I myself am not religious, but my parents were baptized in the church. Although I think a lot of RC churches are beautiful, was bound to be something (is) primarily to God wrong. That said, I understand your dilemma, I live in the Bible Belt and it is SOOO hard to find a church (or wherever you Nice to get married) if you are not a member, in a way that I found unfair but it's just me.

michelle g said...

I would leave him in peace. It is between her and God. But if she asks what he thinks, then by all means tell him what you think. Be polite, but to be honest.

In addition, I have not heard from someone who actually is going on through the RCIA all just so that they exploit the church. Rica is not a walk in the park and requires a commitment so I think that probably is bored or angry with her against him and leave. And even if it does not close, then it is you can not do much. Will do without a definitive test, are not a devout Catholic after her marriage, there is little you can.

cem08 said...

I really do not think it's something important. I think many people do. If you do not belong to a church but want to get married in one, has no choice. I think it is unfortunate that some people, but it happens.

That is, I am a Catholic, I am a part of the church. I was baptized, I had my first communion and my confirmation there. But I'm not a very religious person and do not believe in many things that a Catholic. I make the following summer, when he married his technique and doing since thats my church, where we are.

So her friend made the church to get married, but there are many people who are part of a Plano, Texas, get married, but there is no strong convictions. I would not say. If it does not feel bad for the moment, she has never, and frankly, I do not believe watch the Chruch really what

nova_que... said...

As you say, yes, there are people who are like that.

However, there are churches who marry non-members. I took a year and a half day with my friend in another state - - the church I attended at home. I felt uncomfortable running, join a new church, only to marry there. I went for the look of the church, but a spirit of openness and understanding pastor, my desire to not be quick and easy to get married - the relationship could - Honestly, I paid for myself married to a minister in a park first. But I was lucky and found a church that I wish it was open to marriage with non-members. Now - 2 months of marriage and one years of participation in the church - - I wondered at the church), but for good reasons (religious beliefs.

insuranc... said...

My sister has exactly the same, only for us, is a little worse. I grew up Catholic and went through all the victims, learning as much as I came, I began to ask. It seemed hypocritical, and made clear that the decision would be when my time comes, I will not marry in the church.

My sister has decided to go with no confirmation from the school because he was bored and because they believe that one of the lessons. She marries, and because he wants to complete a false image of "good Catholic girl", with all sorts of groups, so you can get married in their local church. If he really given a chance and learning, I would support, but as a friend, she's just so they can have their way.

If I knew the pastor, as I know the house, I want to say something, but not me, and I am sure that God knows his intentions. I would say that when it comes to his friend, to see whether they can really do without it. It really find thatheard, or otherwise, you at least know that it will not involve the kind of person. If you are in the vicinity of the priest, who knows if it able to find out which.

DinoLuv said...

Yes ... People do such things. They do it well because you only have one wedding (allegedly also ...). Many people have their vision of "perfect" is especially helpful for your special day, and will do everything, dass Is it morally right or wrong to join the church for a wedding is just not something that can really make a statement because do not do it at the church or follow this belief, although it seems pretty ridiculous. So it's not that faith is not likely a problem with him, and perhaps have been too busy to consider thinking about their marriage, whether their actions may offend members of the church.

Try not too hard for them because it's probably just soooo excited and happy marriage is a bit inconsiderate of others to their faith. If you're really worried about it, go ahead and talk to the priest, and that makes you feel better, at least. I doubt not allowed to associate, however, if they say they really connect to the faith. \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt;br>
I really do not understand why someone would marry in a Catholic church, if not of faith, even if the church was "very ".... very superficial, I think, however, believe that to judge you. Since they do not follow an organized religion, I have the intention to marry is irrelevant.

OllyJM said...

With all due respect, I think you're wrong in this. You have someone who knows that the Christian does not start going to church with her husband to be. If nothing else, it's a very good opportunity to show these people.
In his role would be what I would do:
1. Try to take advantage whenever possible. What I mean is that you try to make sure that enough to learn about God in his time, should make an informed decision as to the purpose of committing her life with him.
2. If the conversation continues, it is not clear what is essentially "use" of the church in order to find a nice place, but do not call it value. In essence, where the treasure and away empty handed at the end. While they do is wrong, and you have to say clearly and respectfully with them, if you go, are also missing. Be it clear to them that a real relationship with God and true salvation is the bestthey can get, and not just a place of marriage.
Unfortunately, people have these things all the time. His priest is either naive person in the world and say, well aware of their intentions, that things will not change much.
Hope this helps.

OllyJM said...

With all due respect, I think you're wrong in this. You have someone who knows that the Christian does not start going to church with her husband to be. If nothing else, it's a very good opportunity to show these people.
In his role would be what I would do:
1. Try to take advantage whenever possible. What I mean is that you try to make sure that enough to learn about God in his time, should make an informed decision as to the purpose of committing her life with him.
2. If the conversation continues, it is not clear what is essentially "use" of the church in order to find a nice place, but do not call it value. In essence, where the treasure and away empty handed at the end. While they do is wrong, and you have to say clearly and respectfully with them, if you go, are also missing. Be it clear to them that a real relationship with God and true salvation is the bestthey can get, and not just a place of marriage.
Unfortunately, people have these things all the time. His priest is either naive person in the world and say, well aware of their intentions, that things will not change much.
Hope this helps.

OllyJM said...

With all due respect, I think you're wrong in this. You have someone who knows that the Christian does not start going to church with her husband to be. If nothing else, it's a very good opportunity to show these people.
In his role would be what I would do:
1. Try to take advantage whenever possible. What I mean is that you try to make sure that enough to learn about God in his time, should make an informed decision as to the purpose of committing her life with him.
2. If the conversation continues, it is not clear what is essentially "use" of the church in order to find a nice place, but do not call it value. In essence, where the treasure and away empty handed at the end. While they do is wrong, and you have to say clearly and respectfully with them, if you go, are also missing. Be it clear to them that a real relationship with God and true salvation is the bestthey can get, and not just a place of marriage.
Unfortunately, people have these things all the time. His priest is either naive person in the world and say, well aware of their intentions, that things will not change much.
Hope this helps.

OllyJM said...

With all due respect, I think you're wrong in this. You have someone who knows that the Christian does not start going to church with her husband to be. If nothing else, it's a very good opportunity to show these people.
In his role would be what I would do:
1. Try to take advantage whenever possible. What I mean is that you try to make sure that enough to learn about God in his time, should make an informed decision as to the purpose of committing her life with him.
2. If the conversation continues, it is not clear what is essentially "use" of the church in order to find a nice place, but do not call it value. In essence, where the treasure and away empty handed at the end. While they do is wrong, and you have to say clearly and respectfully with them, if you go, are also missing. Be it clear to them that a real relationship with God and true salvation is the bestthey can get, and not just a place of marriage.
Unfortunately, people have these things all the time. His priest is either naive person in the world and say, well aware of their intentions, that things will not change much.
Hope this helps.

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